Case Study

Food Mood and Health - Case Study
Partner: Food For Thought, a programme created by Education Scotland, Scottish Government and Business in the Community in Scotland.
Issue: Food education can be embedded across the school curriculum, and with a third of 10-11 year olds overweight it’s time to think of new ways to get young people talking about food and health.
Approach: We visited St Helen’s Primary School to showcase The Food, Mood and Health Game, and show pupils and teachers how they can use a fun, educational board game to help children learn about healthy eating, body image, emotional health and media influence.
Outcome: 4 classes of around 20 pupils played and learned using the game. After playing, pupils demonstrated what they’d learned by creating campaign posters which showed a key message about health and wellbeing that they wanted to pass on to other pupils in the school.
The Food, Mood & Health Game is being used and enjoyed in many education and health settings. Here’s what people think so far:
Dave Rex
RD Specialist Dietitian, Highland Council.
“Our mood and emotions influence our food choices, and vice versa. This game explores both sides of that coin, helping participants develop a healthier relationship with food.”
Head of PSHE
Wakefield Girls High School.
"A great resource that highlights a number of issues that are important to the PSHE programme of Study. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed playing the game.”
Shirley Oldale
Head of Food & Nutrition, Wakefield Girls High School.
“I really like this game. It is colourful, imaginative and pupils were engaged in activities from the outset. As a food teacher, I was impressed by the broad range of topics covered throughout this game. As hoped there were many questions linked to nutrition and the role of food in promoting both positive physical and mental health. As many young people struggle with body image issues I feel that the picture cards on airbrushing were particularly effective at engaging pupils and generated some very insightful discussions and questions. I would recommend this game to any teachers who wish to promote nutrition and health within their classrooms”.
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